Shopping grocery online has become very important in today’s era. Several major players have earned fame in the grocery business. Some include Big Basket, Grofers, JioMart, NaturesBasket, Dmart etc. These grocery mobile apps contain innumerable data that is important for business needs. Collecting these data in the manual process is a hectic task. Hence, web scraping can do this process automatically. The scraped data benefits all retail industries for business growth in the retail space. Scraping groceries from mobile applications can help several retailers understand their competitors and strategize accordingly. Let’s first understand what a Grocery App is.
Shopping grocery has become a common phenomenon for everyone. People need more time to visit a grocery store to see or buy new products. They need more time to carry bags to the grocery stores. Owing to the rising consumer demands, the market of online grocery stores is witnessing significant growth. The application has become very handy as it consists of all grocery necessities in a single place. You must select the items, add them to the cart, and complete the checkout process by paying. The groceries will get delivered to your doorsteps.
Why Scrape Grocery App?
Web scraping supermarket enables the users to extract critical trends and the app used by crucial competitors. By using the grocery app scraping services, businesses better understand competitors’ plans that can help predict future trends. Scraping grocery stores' price databases helps gather a list of retail stores. But, to achieve this, you must choose the best service provider with adequate knowledge about trends and technologies used to scrape groceries list for Indian mobile applications.
Benefits of Grocery App Data Scraping Services
- Several data scraping services for grocery apps understand the benefits of monitoring online grocery stores. They assist in collecting data from different apps and use it to perform data analysis and market research.
- They collect data related to main insights, offers, and other essential data.
- They collect retail data to understand better and respond to changes in customer preferences, requirements, or trends
List of Data Fields

- Categories
- Sub Categories
- Items
- Groups
- Images
- Full Product Name
- Best Sellers
- Best Offers
- Product Category
- Price
- Discounted Price
- Product Descriptions
Steps to Scrape Groceries List from Indian Mobile Application

BigBasket is one of the reputed online grocers. Here we will scrape the BigBasket grocery mobile application. Scrape grocery data from BigBasket for price analysis, product comparison, and assigning best-selling products. BigBasket scraping is a simple process to extract product information from BigBasket listings. A web scraping tool is the fastest way to extract large amounts of data from it. It sells a variety of daily necessities like:
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Food Grains
- Snacks & Branded Foods
- Oil & Masala
- Bakery
- Kitchen
- Cakes & Dairy
- Beverages
- Cleaning & Household
- Gardens & Pets
- Beauty & Hygiene
- Eggs
- Meat & Fish
- Baby Care
- Gourmet & World Food, etc.
BigBasket, a vast e-commerce site, comprises actual product data that resellers, individual shoppers, and package droppers can scrape and use. The product data is helpful for the resellers to stock the e-commerce stores and attract customers. The data is also helpful for price analysis, product comparison, and assigning best-selling products.
On opening this website in the browser, an AJAX request on the rear side shows the data on the website. Inspect the website by pressing CTRL on the HTML content page. We will find this website's backend AJAX request URL and send a get request to scrape data.

To find AJAX requests, click on any product and copy the product id from the URL below.

Now, go to the inspect Network, press CTRL to open the search box, paste the product id, and press enter. It will display all the requests in which this product id is available.

Now, roll your mouse over these requests and look for one containing the word slug. It is the backend URL that we need to send a get request. Next, build a BigBasket scraper and scrape the required data. As the website is JavaScript-heavy, hence, we will use JSON here.
Below is the complete code:



For more information, get in touch with Food Data Scrape now! You can also reach us for all your Food Data Scraping service and Mobile Grocery App Scraping requirements.